Monday, November 22, 2004

Bore Dom

If intelligence bores you, embrace innocence,
For intelligence stems from intellect,
Intellect grows with experience,
and experience, more often than not,
is more of an innocence dripping down the
drain of this worldly growth.

Innocence is not about questioning how far the moon is from earth,
as distance is something it does not recognise,
It admires the fairy in the dreams,
It admires the butterfly in the garden,
It accepts every person as an apostle,
It laughs at arrogance.

Are you ready to listen to every lie daddy has to say about that monster,
Are you ready for the lies your friend has to say and yet not judge,
Are you ready to be what you were, Were you actually ready to be what you are?

Does it really matter whether someone understands what you are?
Are you your intellect? Are you your arrogance? Are you the fairy in your dreams?
May be you are just your innocence personified,
Are you? May be.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

To be

Do you want to be what you want to be? or Do you want to be what you are?

An inertia against change is ever present in our lives. This is not about an inability to accept changes. This is about the change that starts from within. How many times in our lives have we settled down with what we are, rather than driving ourselves to where we actually want to be.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

A destiny of your own choice

You are here by destiny.
Of course, you have a choice
Of enjoying or suffering
Of indifference or fascination
But the pain is inevitable.

The perception of every sense is by pain.
Light is the pain in your eyes.
Sound is the pain in your ears.
Love is the pain in your heart.
Life is the pain in your body.

Make your choice,
Every moment !