Monday, October 23, 2006

Compassionate intelligence as a natural law

Compassion and intelligence generally seem to be mutually exclusive. In a worldly sense, Intelligence might suggest manipulation and Compassion would suggest unconditional sympathy for another.

In this context, here is a poem which refers to the compassionate intelligence aspect of the divine and expresses the Dharma or the Natural Law as a means to victory. Even though the poem stands good on its own, an under current of reference to episodes of Mahabharata can also be sensed.

Below is the script, translation and transliteration of the poem "dharmawE jayawemba divya mantra" which means "Dharma is Victory, a divine mantra". This is written and composed by Purandara Daasa, well known as Grand Father of Carnatic music.

Please note that, to retain the essence of the poem post translation, a few Sanskrit words which are now well established English words have not been translated. These are words such as Mantra or Dharma, which carry a vast amount of knowledge in their original form.
However, To satisfy your linguistic or literal curiosity, I would suggest a peek into wikipedia. But, beware they will open the flood gates of information on these words.

Sample meanings:
Dharma = Natural law
Mantra = Instrument of Thought
Tantra = Methodology
ShaDrasa = A wholesome food of six tastes => a concept of ayurveda
punDariikaksha = lotus-eyed => conveying unity of divine compassion and divine intelligence

Dharma is victory, a divine Mantra,
we have to realize its magic and design the Tantra,

To someone who poisoned us, we should feed him with food comprising of ShaDrasa,
To someone who hates us, we should provide our patronage,
To someone who spoils by lying about us, we should sing and bless them,
To someone who has deceived us, we should keep his name to our son.

Those who criticized us behind us, we need to continue greeting them,
Those who imprisoned us, we need to mix with,
The house of the enemy who has killed, we need to walk to,
Those who are plotting against us, we need to befriend them.

Those who take us away and bash us up, we need to sing paeans of them,
Those who cannot tolerate our presence, we need to call them,
The lotus-eyed Sri ViTThala(The Lord) of Purandhara(The Poet), paeans of whom we need to sing and thus become fortunate.

The Kannada script

English transliteration:
Here are a few notes for the transliteration:
* The song can be sung in Raaga Saaveri in Ata taala.
* ||pa|| refers pallavi
* ||a|| refers to anupallavi

Title: dharmawE jayawe0ba diwya ma0tra

dharmawE jayawemba diwya mantra||pa||
marmawannaritu maaDalubEku tantra||a||

wiShawikkidawage ShaDrasawanuNisalu bEku|
dwESha maaDidawana pOShisalu bEku||
pusiyaaDi keDisuwana haaDi harasalu bEku|
mOsamaaDuwanhesaru maganigiDabEku||1||

hinde nindiparannu wandisutalirabEku|
bandhanadoLiTTawara bereyabEku||
konda wairiya manege naDeduhOgalubEku|
kundeNisuwawara geLetana maaDabEku||2||

konDoydu baDiyuwara konDaaDutirabEku|
kanDu sahisadawara kareyabEku||
punDariikaakSha shrIpurandarawiTThalana|
konDaaDi taa dhanyanaagabEku||3||

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Belong, to what?

Do you belong to anything,
Do you belong to anyone,
Are you proud of your territory,
Does your affiliation bring comfort to you,
Are there many who do not belong to you,

Ever thought of your displeasure as opinion and mine as intolerance,
Ever said that I don't belong to you because of my belief,
Ever felt that my welfare does not matter to you because of our boundaries,
Ever realized that your exhibition of pride scares my neighbor's son,
Ever acted on your loyalty to show me as disloyal,

Together, through all times,
We have been living in two worlds,
You in mine and I in yours,
Just to see what we think of each other,
To plot and prove our identities.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Transitive Impressions

When I was a kid, he lived above the clouds,
He answered my prayers, only If I ate my vegetables,
He punished me for skipping my home works,
He would send his friends if I didn't brush my teeth.

Within a couple of years, my moral science teacher let him free,
he started living everywhere, he started knowing everything,
he no longer waited for my prayers or confessions,
He also grew powerful, he could grant me good scores.

A few more years passed, and he started assuming colors,
He acted differently for each friend of mine,
He gave different rule books to each one,
To each he said that following those rules is important.

A few years later, he made expert rule readers,
Many said the same rule and meant different things,
A few said that all rule books have same rules,
Some said that it is not he but a she,
A few insisted that there are many out there,
and some doubted if anyone's out there.

The strength in shoulders increased with the youth,
that person beyond, evolved with me,
he became my friend,
He was powerful and yet not frightening,
He was not judging my actions,
he was just a companion

As youth flowered into maturity,
he shirked off his powerful form,
He transformed into a kid in my backyard,
playing all the time,
He seemed to have forgotten all his job,
of watching me and rewarding me,
But, I enjoyed seeing him running to catch a squirrel

A few more decades and we both will finish our duties together,
Enjoying and appreciating each other's presence,
In different capacities,
with different responsibilities,
Interluded with moments of awareness,
of existence of only one.